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Do you want to know how to lose finger fat? One of the most annoying things about getting fat is seeing how your hands, especially your fingers, are reacting the same way. But did you know that there are ways you can slim down the size of your fingers along with other areas of your body by having proper diet and exercise?
You can also include hand and grip strength exercises for strong, healthy fingers that are both functional and good looking. However, on this day and age, it’s not yet possible to target your fingers alone for weight loss.
Things You’ll Need In Losing Finger Fat
1. Slim Your Fingers With Grip Strengthening Exercises.
A simple yet quick way to build the strength in your hands, which has the added benefit of getting rid of fat fingers, is to do simple grip exercises. With a grip or ball of your choice, do a few sets of at least 30 grips or more with each hand.
You can also use stress balls, which are usually palm-sized squishy balls, to exercise your hand. You can use a tennis ball if you don’t have one.
Spring grips, stretchy bands, spring-gloves, and other hand exercisers are easily available on the market. You can visit any sporting goods store in your area to see what’s available or you can even purchase one online.
Chinese stress-relief balls, Baoding balls, can also be used to exercise your hands. Rotate two balls around in your palm to use them. They make a nice relaxing sound while you’re exercising your hands.
2. Exercise Your Wrist
Wrist strengthening exercises have the added benefit of increasing your grip strength, as you hold the weight that you’re using. You can do wrist-strengthening with bands, hand weights, or other household items.
Grip a small amount of weight (3 to 5 pounds) in each hand, and your palm pointed towards the ground. Flex your elbow up to straighten up your arm, letting your wrist hang down. Flexing your wrist slowly, straighten out your arm.
Then slowly place it back down. Do three sets with each hand, doing at least 10 to 15 reps per set. If you don’t have hand weights, you can use bricks or any hand-sized objects around your house.
3. Use Exercise Bands
Grip the band with your hand with your palm facing down and stand on one end of the band. Raise your arm until it comes out straight before flexing your wrist slowly while gripping the band, making your arm straight. Do 10 to 15 reps with each hand, with three sets each.
Do finger push-ups. Start doing more advanced push-ups if you’re in relatively good shape but still struggle with slightly fat fingers. Do your pushups with your palms raised and your weight on your fingertips instead of doing them with your palms flat on the floor. Aim for doing a few sets of 5 to 10 reps.
Push-ups facilitate to strengthen your wrists and your pectorals, both good for a well-rounded upper body strength and weight loss. Do one or two more sets of standard push-ups on top of your fingertip push-ups.
4. Improve Your Hand’s Dexterity
Dexterity pertains to your ability to use your fingers and hands in performing complex tasks quickly. It’s just as necessary to your hand health as strength is. To work on your fine motor skills, you can exercise your dexterity, doing hand and finger-oriented tasks on a regular basis.
Playing a musical instrument like the piano, violin, or guitar, but also certain woodwinds like flutes, clarinets, and other instruments, are all excellent for working on your fine motor skills. If you have never learned any of these instruments, now is just as good a time as any to start.
5. Don’t Crack Your Knuckles
There are many different views on whether or not cracking or popping your knuckles is good or not. However, a lot of people do think that cracking your knuckles can lead to having fat fingers. There’s no conclusive answer to this, and since you don’t really gain anything from cracking your knuckles, it won’t hurt to stop doing it altogether.
Losing Body Weight
If you want to get rid of your fat fingers, the rest of your body will have to follow suit. Even if you are working out, plateaus happen regularly, and this can happen to almost everyone. Build up to more intense workouts. It’s time to change up your workouts if you start losing weight at an even clip, then suddenly stop.
You can try to switch to a circuit-training program. Pick 5-10 quick workouts you enjoy and perform high-intensity sets for 40 to 60 seconds. Perform as many repetitions as you can for each set.
Rest for 20 to 30 seconds before moving on to the next exercise. Do three full sets of your 5-10 exercises, with a short five-minute rest during intervals. If you can follow this routine three times a week while maintaining a healthy diet, you’ll be dropping pounds fast.
Manage Your Stress Levels!
Learn to manage and rid yourself of stress. Cortisol, which is produced by stress is correlated with a variety of ailments, including increased body fat. Extended periods of stress can make it even more challenging for your body to lose weight. If you want to lose weight, it only means you need to learn how to relax.
Allocate at least 15-30 minutes a day to just sit quietly and zone-out. Don’t feel guilty for needing a little time for yourself. Learn to prioritize your mental health as much you prioritize your physical health.
Take a long, leisurely hot bath, read a good book, or listen to some quiet music. Whatever relaxes you, do it.
Changing Your Diet
1. Reduce The Amount Of Salt In Your Diet
Excess sodium which results in water retention can cause mild swelling, specifically in the hands and feet. Skip the salt from your diet if you want slimmer hands. You will retain less water weight simply by consuming less salt.
Eating less salt doesn’t only pertain to dumping less salt onto the food you eat. Check those nutrition labels! Many packaged and frozen foods are extremely high in sodium, even vegetables, and sweet snacks. Without even realizing it, you can be eating a lot more salt than you are aware of.
Notice the serving sizes as well. Many products with less salt or less sodium content options are essentially the same product with a manipulated serving size, but will still technically have the same amount of sodium when taken in the same quantities.
2. Drink More Water
Drink at least eight glasses of water daily. Your body gets rid of salt more quickly when you stay hydrated. When you drink extra water, it can help suppress your appetite, prevent headaches, and aid your circulation and waste management.
Water is essential for all-around health and weight loss. By drinking eight glasses, or up to two liters of water, each day, you get to enjoy an overall healthier body.
3. Mushrooms Instead Of Red Meats
You can substitute mushrooms for red meats. Mushrooms contain less than half the calories and fat that are contained in even the leanest beef. Some studies show that people who substitute mushrooms for beef in recipes are just as satisfied after meals. It’s a healthy, delicious, and easy switch.
4. Complex Carbs, Not Simple Carbs
Switch to slow-digesting carbohydrates. There are two forms of carbs: simple and complex. Those found in processed foods and high-fat snacks are simple carbs. These are transformed into fat much faster, and plenty of individuals experience bloating from ingesting these types of carbs.
Foods that contain simple carbs include corn syrup, white sugar, candy, and soda. Complex carbohydrates, on the other hand, are found in whole grains. They take longer to move through our bodies, which means they offer our bodies with a lot more nourishment and energy. Complex carbs include oatmeals, sweet potatoes, whole grain bread, etc.
5. Healthier Snacks
While a handful of potato chips may seem harmless, it’s so much easier to replace meaningless junk food snacks with healthier options. Eating unhealthy between-meal snacks can make you gain lots of extra weight. Dump the cakes and chips and keep fresh fruits and vegetables around so that you won’t have any choice but to eat the healthier ones. Apples are low in calories but are high in fiber.
Don’t skip dessert, just make it healthier. Rather than having a bowl of after-dinner ice cream, switch to a cup of low-fat Greek yogurt and frozen blueberries. If you enjoy a piece of chocolate cake now and then, then keep dark chocolate bar around which are rich in anti-oxidants and eat a square (just one) whenever you get a chocolate craving.
Useful Tips!
Eat slowly. Studies show that chewing more and eating more slowly is one of the best ways to curb your hunger cravings. If you are struggling with overeating, slow down and wait for your body to catch up.
Eating a handful of unsalted almonds 15 to 20 minutes before a meal or starting your meal with a small cup of broth soup has been shown to effectively reduce the amount of food you eat during the actual meal.
Avoid skipping meals. Studies show that skipping meals, especially breakfast, makes you gain weight. It forces the body to store the calories you consume later in the day more quickly.
Lose Weight, Get Rid Of Your Finger Fat!
Just like any other part of your body, your fingers are just capable of storing fat. But hey, once you’ve lost overall excess body fat, you’ll notice improvement in your fingers as well! Aside from proper diet, you should also perform the additional hand exercises we have tackled in this article to help speed up the results. Play instruments and live healthily!
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